Sundaram Master movie revolves around a small village called Miryalametta. Even before Indian Independence, this village loses connection with the outside world. This is due to disconnection of a wooden bridge between the village and the outside world. From that time, Miryalametta village remains as a remote and isolated village.
Before Indian Independence, Britishers enter the village of Miryalametta and cause huge mess. The villagers couldn’t understand what exactly the Britishers were asking them. This arises due to lack of English communication skills. Meanwhile a traveller enters their village during his journey. After knowing the problem, the traveller sets a deal between the Britishers and the villagers with his English speaking skills.
The traveller starts teaching the villagers some English words and sentences. He then asks them to cut down the wooden bridge so that outsiders and Britishers couldn’t enter their village. He settles there only by marrying two girls from the village of Miryalametta. After marrying the girls from that village, the traveller is tagged as the king. However this traveller doesn’t teach them how to write in English.
Sundar Rao arrives at this village of Miryalametta as an English teacher in the year 2023. This happens as per the plan of the local MLA. Both Sundar Rao and MLA have hidden agendas regarding the village. Sundar Rao tries to fulfill his agenda in various ways. He tries to woo the villagers with various gifts and fancy items. The villagers reaction to his uncommon acts create some laughter. The rest of the story is whether Sundar Rao succeeds in achieving his hidden goal.
Sundaram Master takes the audience to a different world. Almost 90% of the movie is set in the backdrop of a small village in a thick forest. The first half of the movies starts as a comedy genre with little bit suspense scenes. The second half is filled with more emotional scenes and the climax ends up with a social message. On the whole, Sundaram Master is worth watching.
While Harsha Chemudu aka Viva Harsha debuted as hero, Divya Sripada played as the female lead. The top cast of Sundaram Master telugu movie is listed below.
Sundaram Master movie was produced by Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Sudheer Kumar Kurru under the banners RT Team Works and Goal den Media.The total duration of the movie is 158 minutes. The other main technical crew details of Sundaram Master movie are listed below.
The first look poster of Sundaram Master was unveiled on 22 June 2023 by Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja. Megastar Chiranjeevi released the trailer of the movie on 15 February 2024. Sundaram Master movie was released in a decent number of theaters on 23 February 2024. Aha bagged the OTT rights of the movie and released it on AHA OTT platform on 28 March 2024. Sundaram Master movie is available for download and online watching on AHA OTT platform.
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